Monday, 28 March 2016

Welcome to our 51st General Council Meeting


It’s been sometime since we all gather on a national level. The last time was our Ministers Retreat in March 2015, besides some other smaller gatherings in between.

This General Council will be a very important watershed moment for us. After more than 3 years of envisioning, praying, planning, discussing, the Constitution Review Task Force is now ready to table the new constitution for your endorsement.

Although I and the Exco were not directly driving the review, l’m happy that the distinctiveness that have made us who we are and define us as a Fellowship had remained unchanged. However, neither are the changes merely cosmetic. I believe these changes will propel us to greater heights of effectiveness and efficiency by providing us a broader representation and new level of leadership empowerment.

This new constitution, although in no way perfect, will definitely provide the Assemblies of God of Malaysia a new template and great opportunity for us to engage in more effective conversations to make further changes in the future. For now, let us take, “THE GREAT LEAP FORWARD!”

The strength of our Fellowship has always been people like you who chooses to relate to one another. This is a Family Gathering. Although we all come with different backgrounds and from different parts of Malaysia (and some from overseas), we are all the same, serving where the Lord has placed us and doing our best with what is available.

It is my hope that in the midst of all the business considerations, we will find time to pray and minister to each other. Ask God to use you to touch someone in a special way so that this General Council will be memorable to him or her.

I look forward to seeing all of you as we together take “THE GREAT LEAP FORWARD!”

Yours Sincerely,

Rev. Ong Sek Leang

General Superintendent

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